Splice Sounds Dome of Doom: World Class Percussion 2 [WAV]

DECiBEL团队| 2020年3月18日| 970.7兆字节
世界一流的打击乐第2卷具有超过1000个以上的循环和由节奏大师乔什·梅林格(Josh Mellinger)演奏的异国乐器的一枪。开创性的唱片制作人Ahee和Wylie Cable精心包装和混音了所有音频。该包的第二版继续满足您的所有打击乐需求,从闪电般的速度Conga和Djembe riff到发ance的Stone Xylophone旋律,甚至是弓ed和Chimes。此唱片包以各种BPM录制以适合任何类型,非常适合任何寻求世界风味的EDM / Hip-Hop曲目。

世界级打击乐卷中包含的其他乐器。 2:Agogo Bell,Guiro,Jawharp,Live小军鼓,Tamborines振动器和更多奇特的乐器。

您可以放心,您可以在任何地方获得一些最好的免版税打击乐样本,因为Josh拥有加利福尼亚艺术学院音乐表演专业的学位,并且已经积极研究打击乐超过18年。他继续在阿里·阿克巴尔音乐学院学习由潘迪特·斯瓦潘·乔杜里(与拉维·香卡(Ravi Shankar)一起演奏)的塔布拉,并与著名的阿拉伯打击乐家费萨尔·泽丹(Faisal Zedan)一起学习。乔希还定期与旧金山湾区的艺术家约翰·H·克拉克(John H. Clarke),StringQuake,露西安·巴尔默(Lucian Balmer),勒沃纳(Levonah)和丝绸之母(Silk Mother)一起在旧金山演出。

Team DECiBEL | 18 March 2020 | 970.7 MB
World Class Percussion Volume 2 features over 1000+ loops & one shots of exotic instruments performed by rhythm mastermind Josh Mellinger. All audio in the pack was carefully recoded and mixed by groundbreaking record producers Ahee and Wylie Cable. The second edition of the pack continues to deliver all your worldly percussion needs, from lightning speed Conga and Djembe riffs to trance inducing Stone Xylophone melodies and even bowed Cymbals and Chimes. Recorded in a wide range of BPMs to fit any genre, this pack is a great fit to any EDM/Hip-Hop track looking for that world flavor.

Other instruments included in World Class Percussion Vol. 2: Agogo Bell, Guiro, Jawharp, Live Snare, Tamborines Shakers and more exotic instruments.

You can trust that you're getting some of the best royalty-free percussion samples available anywhere, as Josh holds a graduate degree from California Institute of the Arts in Music Performance, and has been actively studying percussion for over 18 years. He continues to study Tabla under Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri (who played with Ravi Shankar) at the Ali Akbar college of Music, and studies with renowned Arabic percussionist Faisal Zedan. Josh also performs regularly San Francisco with Bay Area artists John H. Clarke, StringQuake, Lucian Balmer, Levonah and Silk Mother.
