Udemy The Business of Music DIY BaDaBoom [TUTORiAL]

P2P | 17 March 2020 | 2.62 GB

您每天都会使用的便捷的老派和现代音乐商务用语和短语压缩指南。简单的真实世界定义,可帮助您理解音乐行业的行话,S语和技术语言。 (360多个字/词)

作者简介:Michael Welch是一位音乐家,教育家,出版商,作家和企业家。 1967年,他成为专业音乐家,在手风琴节,歌舞俱乐部和烟雾弥漫的休息室打鼓。后来他成为主题公园和乐团的音乐家。他在“音乐产业”方面的经验包括零售,批发,制造商,销售代表,音乐联盟管理员,制作人,工程师等。他于1980年创作的第一本书是鼓组的“ Quadragrip”。他的最新著作是《汤米·托马斯打击乐图书馆》。他是29本书的作者,这是(21)21。

作为鼓手和音乐家,迈克尔·韦尔奇(Michael Welch)与音乐家,诗人,艺术家,作家,电影摄制者和演员的折衷合奏团合作演出并与之合作。韦尔奇继续表演许多流派的音乐,包括爵士,蓝调,流行,乡村,摇滚,古典,前卫等等。

Michael Welch是Tommy Thomas和Elvin Jones的学生。他与折衷主义的个人和团体合作演出,包括(吉他)德里克·贝利/查理·伯德/赫尔·埃利斯/内森·佩奇/埃利奥特·兰德尔/欧内斯特·兰格林/查理·罗宾逊/埃利奥特·夏普/加里·史密斯/(钢琴)格伦·李/马特·希普(Matt Shipp)/(低音)菲尔·陈(Phil Chen)/彼得·科瓦尔德(Peter Kowald)/乔治·莫罗(George Morrow)/(萨克斯管)约翰·布彻(John Butcher)/弗兰克·格拉特科夫斯基(Frank Gratkowski)/丹·乔丹(Dan Jordan)/罗斯科·米切尔(Sam Rivers)/艾拉·沙利文(Ira Sullivan)/高贵的“ Thinman'Watts(发声者)乔治·本森/维克·沃特斯(作曲家)大卫·阿姆拉姆(David Amram)/卡雷尔·胡萨(Karel Husa)/丹·沃尔特斯(口琴)

作为音乐专家,迈克尔·韦尔奇(Michael Welch)教3岁以上的早期学习者。他为音乐教育者,家庭学校家长和教育提供者撰写了10本书籍(年轻的莫扎特音乐电台)。




Your handy compressed guide of Old School and Modern Music Business Words and Phrases used each day. Plain simple Real-World definitions to help you understand the Jargon, Slang and Technical Language of the Music Industry. ( 360+ Words/Terms )
Created for Musicians, Songwriters, Educators, Entrepreneurs, Artist, Producers

About The Author: Michael Welch is a musician, educator, publisher, author and entrepreneur. He became a professional musician in 1967, playing drums in juke joints, go-go clubs and smoke-filled lounges. He later became a Theme Park and Orchestra musician. His experience in the “Music Industry” includes Retail, Wholesale, Manufacturer, Sales Representative, Music Union Administrator, Producer, Engineer and more. His first book in 1980 was “Quadragrip” for Drum-set. His most recent book is the Tommy Thomas Percussion Library. He’s the author of 29 books, this is number (21) twenty-one.

As a drummer-musician Michael Welch has performed and collaborated with an eclectic ensemble of musicians, poets, artist, writers, filmmakers and actors. Welch continues to perform many genres of music including Jazz, Blues, Pop, Country, Rock and Roll, Classical, Avant-Garde and more.

Michael Welch is a student of Tommy Thomas and Elvin Jones. He’s performed and collaborated with an eclectic tribe of individuals and groups, including (guitar) Derek Bailey / Charlie Byrd / Herb Ellis / Nathan Page / Elliott Randall / Ernest Ranglin / Charlie Robinson / Elliott Sharp / Gary Smith / (piano) Glenn Lee / Matt Shipp / (Bass) Phil Chen / Peter Kowald / George Morrow / (Saxophone) John Butcher / Frank Gratkowski / Dan Jordan / Roscoe Mitchell / Sam Rivers / Ira Sullivan / Noble “Thinman’ Watts (Vocalist) George Benson / Vic Waters ( Composers) David Amram / Karel Husa / Dan Walters (Harmonica) Mark Hodgson (Violin) Jon Rose (Actors Writers Poets) / Allen Ginsberg / Mr. Magoo-Jim Backus / Xu Xi

As a Music Specialist, Michael Welch teaches early learners age 3 years up. He has authored 10 books (Young Mozart Music Station) for Music Educators, Home School Parents and Education Providers.

He also lectures and teaches classes on the topics of The Business of Music.

What you'll learn

Your handy compressed guide of Old School and Modern Music Business Words and Phrases used each day. Plain simple Real-World definitions to help you understand the Jargon, Slang and Technical Language of the Music Industry. Created for Musicians, Songwriters, Educators, Entrepreneurs, Artist, Producers ( 360+ Words/Terms ) I'll elaborate on each word and definition. My objective is to raise your knowledge and give you a vocabulary of information, enable you to communicate at a higher level. I'll teach and share from my 50+ years of experience as a producer, musician, educator, author, audio engineer, editor and more.

