Tone Projects Unisum v1.1.3 [WiN]

Tone Projects Unisum

Team R2R | 27 July 2022 | 16.64 MB
Unisum is a state-of-the-art mastering compressor based on a novel topology combining impeccable sound with unmatched musical flexibility.

Built in collaboration with experienced mastering professionals, Unsium features clean wideband compression driven by flexible multi-band detection, and extensive control over envelope and transfer curve. Whether you want to add glue or groove, shape the dynamic contours, or solve a challenge in the mix, Unisum helps you achieve your goal with precision and integrity.


  • Add depth and energy without sacrificing the integrity of the source material
  • Control stereo image and add natural width using Mid/Side mode and flexible channel linking
  • Add polish and cohesive glue to any mix regardless of style
  • Shape Attack and Release curves for perfect grab and movement
  • Tailor every part of the compression response for a unique fit with the material
  • Solve challenges in a mix with the highest possible precision and fidelity

Team R2R Note: (v1.1.3)

A witch says,

If someone uploads retail installer for macOS, it works without modifying binary.
